About Us
Hello! It is not so much about me that it should be about but especially about you. My desire to help you is born out of frustration of many parents and especially of students from families sometimes very modest who at times simply stopped dreaming. Not necessarily the dream of Europe, but the dream of seeing the child become a student give himself a real chance to have a training, an opportunity, a job, in short to fight in the course of the great, at least in the field of knowledge. read more
Our Services
You can find out more about us by watching the following videos about us.
What our Client say about us
My name is Contimi Kenfack and I prepared for my trip to Germany entirely at ETALL. I started the language course in February 2014 and finished Level B2 in September of the same year. With Level B2 I took the TestDAF in November 2014 in Cameroon and obtained the TESTDAF 4xTDN4. I passed the TestDAF in 10 months of intensive tuition, thus guaranteeing my visa. I'm arriving in Germany with a definitive admission and I'll be going straight into university, without doing any more language courses, with all the advantages that a student enrolled in university has.

Contimi Kenfack
My name is Marius Dongmo and I prepared for my trip to Germany entirely at ETALL. I started the language course on 15 September 2014 and finished level A2 on 30 January 2015. I applied for my visa at the beginning of March 2015 at level B1 and I got it at the very beginning of April 2015. I'm going to continue the language course in Siegen in Germany and study electrical engineering.

Marius Dongmo
My name is Williams Momo and I prepared for my trip to Germany entirely at ETALL. I started my language course on 15 September 2014 and finished level A2 on 30 January 2015. I applied for my visa at the beginning of March 2015 at level B1 and I got it at the very beginning of April 2015. I'm going to continue the language course in Bochum, Germany, and study business computing.

Williams Momo